
Welcome to Prakruti Yogashala

Transforming Life Through Mindful Practices: A Journey of Self-Discovery

In the ever-evolving journey of life, the power of our brain’s neural networks plays a pivotal role. Our habits and life patterns are deeply influenced by what we feed into our brains. Embracing practices like Yoga Sutra, Samkhya Darshan, Indian classical music, and mantras can profoundly reshape these patterns. Prakruti Yogashala will train you how to integrating these elements into our daily lives can lead to remarkable spiritual and personal growth.

Exploring The Synergy Between Neural Networks And The Art Of Yoga

The Profound Connection Of Yoga And Meditation With Us

Meet The Team


Transforming Life Through Mindful Practices: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Welcome to Prakruti Yogashala

Introduction: In the ever-evolving journey of life, the power of our brain’s neural networks plays a pivotal role. Our habits and life patterns are deeply influenced by what we feed into our brains. Embracing practices like Yoga Sutra, Samkhya Darshan, Indian classical music, and mantras can profoundly reshape these patterns. This blog delves into how integrating these elements into our daily lives can lead to remarkable spiritual and personal growth.

The Essence of Neural Training: Our brain is a dynamic entity, constantly shaped by the information and experiences we encounter. By consciously choosing enriching and meaningful content, we can develop habits that positively impact our lives. This process is akin to nurturing a garden; the seeds we plant determine the landscape of our minds.

Incorporating Spiritual Practices: Incorporating ancient wisdom, such as the teachings of Yoga Sutra and Samkhya Darshan, offers a foundation for understanding life’s deeper meanings. Additionally, immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of Indian classical music and the profound vibrations of mantras can transform our mental and spiritual landscape.

The Power of Awareness: At the core of this transformation is the cultivation of self-awareness. Understanding the mechanics of our mind, body, and breath, and being mindful of our language and diet, can lead to significant changes in our daily routines and overall well-being. This awareness is a key factor in altering our karma and the trajectory of our lives.

Practical Applications in Daily Life: These practices are not just spiritual but also practical. They equip us to excel in various facets of life, be it in creative fields like music and painting or professional arenas such as sales, accounting, or computer science. The essence of this transformation lies in the conscious awareness of our existence, which brings about profound life changes.

Addressing Life’s Challenges: Indian spirituality teaches us to start by acknowledging the suffering and misery inherent in life. The path to alleviating this suffering lies in removing avidya, or ignorance, especially the ignorance of not knowing oneself. By practicing and embracing these teachings, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual progression.

About Our Food

♦ Satvik Yogic Food
♦ Locally With Fresh Sourced
♦ Fresh Produce & Ayurvedic Medicinal Spices
♦ Three Delicious Meals A Day
♦ Herbal Tea And Chai
♦ Pure Veg Also Availabe For Vegan Friendly

Our Facilities

♦ Located In The Heart Of Rishikesh
♦ Close To Holy River Ganga
♦ Green & Hilly Environment
♦ Close To Cafes & Shops

Our Accommodation

♦ Private, Double & Triple Shared Rooms
♦ Rooms With Balcony And Beautiful Views
♦ Wi-Fi And Other Modern Amenities
♦ Laundry Machine Available On Spot

Welcome To Our Community

Yoga Teaching Training Course

Prakruti Yogashala is a place of worship, a temple of knowledge and an international community for spiritual seekers. Grounded in the ancient wisdom of yoga, our practices go beyond the physical, towards a deeper connection with their inner selves and the spiritual dimensions of life through diverse spiritual traditions that let us explore the profound intersections of mind, body, and spirit. We believe in creating an inclusive environment that honours individual paths, inviting all to embark on a shared journey towards spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a harmonious existence.

Prakrutiyogashala is the first school in Rishikesh to introduce Sanskrit sounds and semantics in Yoga Teacher Training programs.

Our Offerings

We share authentic and traditional practices coming from Guru-Disciple tradition.

100 hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training course at Prakruti Yogshala in Rishikesh, India, offers a condensed yet comprehensive curriculum spanning 11 days and 10 nights. This program is tailored to cater to individuals keen on delving into the intricate realms of yoga through a structured and holistic approach.

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training course is for anyone seeking strong foundations and deep understanding of yoga, preparing individuals to become knowledgable and proficient yoga teachers. Alongside extensive Hatha Yoga practice, the training provides introduction to Vedic Cosmology, Semantics of Sanskrit, Ayurveda, ShatKarma, Samkhya and Traditional Inner Tantra Yoga.

300 hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 300 Hours YTT advanced program is to deepen your yoga beyond the basics, including the intricacy of Nada Yoga, Indian art forms, Sound Healing, diverse meditation and breathwork techniques such as Trataka, Osho and Kundalini. Embark on this transformative journey with us and elevate your yoga practice to new heights!

Daily classes & Bundles

Yoga Practice in Yogashala

Mon to Fri 9:00-10:30 am  Classical Hatha Yoga & Iyengar Flow

Sat 9:00-11:00 am Restorative Yoga

Online Classes

Practising Yoga and its styles

Live and recording available

Mon and Thu 11:30-1:00 pm Indian TZN (IST)

Online Courses

Yoga Teaching Training Course

Looking for what to do next to deepen your Sadhana (Personal practice)? We have Semantics of Sanskrit, Mantra and Philosophy Courses OR Continuing education courses.

About Three Cleanses

Our School Ideology Is Based On Three Cleanses :

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचाम्।
मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन।
योऽपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनाम्।
पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि॥

1. Purity of mind through yoga

2. Purity of Speech through Grammar

3. Purity of body through medicine

Our ideology is based on Patanjalis three Purification to develop strong spiritual foundation for sustained growth.

Embark On A Journey Within:

Ensuring a transformative journey for beginners and a deepening of practice.

Chakras: Balancing Energy Centers

Explore the energetic dimensions of the body, understanding and balancing.

Empowerment Through Asanas

Harness the physical and mental strength gained from mastering yoga poses.

Mindful Breath, Mindful Life By Asanas

Delve into the transformative power of conscious breathing & discovering.

Meet The Founder Of Prakruti Yogashala, Darshan Ji

Darshan Ji at Prakruti Yogashala

Prakruti Yogashala is the midpoint of creating a global community of spiritual practitioners for access to Indian cultural knowledge, to be great teachers, householders, and most importantly, a balanced human being. Darshan ji shares knowledge on wide range of subjects, in his last 12 year’s of practice. Darshan ji learnt different subject’s like Jaina Darshan’s, Yoga Sutras, Samkhya Darshan, Sanskrit Mantra’s, Language, Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, He was a physics professor and shares passion connecting Modern Sciences with Yogic Sciences. Darshan ji shares knowledge on wide range of subjects, in his last 12 year’s of practice. Darshan ji learnt different subject’s like Jaina Darshan’s, Yoga Sutras, Samkhya Darshan, Sanskrit Mantra’s, Language, Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, He was a physics professor and shares passion connecting Modern Sciences with Yogic Sciences.

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Spiritual Path In Yogashala

Choose Your Spiritual Path In Our Yogashala

In our Yogashala, we embrace the profound essence of the spiritual path, fostering an authentic space where individuals embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Grounded in the ancient wisdom of yoga, our teachings go beyond the physical postures, guiding practitioners towards a deeper connection with their inner selves and the spiritual dimensions of life. Rooted in authenticity and respect for diverse spiritual traditions, Prakruti Yogashala is a sacred haven where seekers are encouraged to explore the profound intersections of mind, body, and spirit. We believe in creating an inclusive environment that honors individual paths, inviting all to embark on a shared journey towards spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a harmonious existence.

About Our Yoga & Meditation Mentoring Program

To Create sense of calmness, de stress and detox by connecting with 5 elements of life.The program will also include some of the basic tools of how to breathe, how to sit and will give a sequence of asanas that you can use when you go back to your home. You will also learn to realign your body in it’s natural posture.

History Of Yoga, Our Yoga Gurus & How It Benefits

Our Best Yoga Teachers In Rishikesh

Our yoga teacher is here to guide you on a journey to inner peace and strength.


In our meditation classes, we offer a serene and inclusive space for individuals to embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace and self-discovery. Rooted in ancient contemplative practices and modern mindfulness techniques, our classes are designed to guide participants through a holistic experience of mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


In our mindfulness sessions, we create a nurturing space for individuals to explore the transformative practice of cultivating awareness in the present moment. Grounded in the principles of mindfulness, our classes offer a holistic approach to mental well-being & emotional resilience.


In the pursuit of self-recognition, our programs provide a dedicated space for individuals to embark on a meaningful journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Rooted in the belief that understanding oneself is essential for a fulfilling life, our approach emphasizes introspection, reflection, and the cultivation of self-awareness.

We Have Designed The Best Yoga Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training Courses

What We Offer

Free Pickup


Adventure & Nature Trips


Yoga Alliance Certification


Our Students Love Us


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